Andy Leavy - Not your Resource

First of all Vesta Records wishes you all an amazing and healthy 2020 , a year full of great music and success!! Andy Leavy is since the reboot of Vesta Records a regular with his typical mix of progressive house & Melodic techno. This time its no difference and the Englishman brings us a quality track with a message for you to interpretate. A massive Melodic slice that builds and just doesn’t let you go anymore. The Remixes come plenty with diversity : starting with dutch producer Nightbob , who in his typical style made the track driving and bombastic , a floor filler for sure. Followed by russian producer/dj Chelakhov and his more hypnotic progressive approach and ending by turkish producer Findike. He choose to emphasise the emotions in the track. So for everyone something here!!! and for us? All of them !!!!
Artist: Andy Leavy
Title:  Not your Resource
Label:  Vesta Records
Cat #:  VR50
Release date:  06/01/2020
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